Join an Active UWA Project as a Research participant
Be a part of identifying and collecting important research data and contributing to future discoveries.

Kids and dogs – impact on children’s health and social-emotional development
Could playing and walking with the family dog have a positive impact on kids’ health and development? If you have a child aged 5-8 years and a dog, you can take part in this fun project.

CoastSnapWA – community beach monitoring
CoastSnapWA is a citizen science initiative that aims to enhance our understanding of coastal processes by engaging community members to ‘snap’ photos of the beach. Travel to one of the CoastSnapWA sites and upload a photo!

The Australian Park Life Survey
We want to know what parks and green spaces you use, how you use them and what you think of them! This survey will help ensure park and greenspace development is informed by community experiences and preferences.

The Noisy Guts Project – New Prototype Testing
The Noisy Guts Project is the brainchild of Nobel Laureate, Prof Barry Marshall. The team are developing an acoustic belt that records gut noises so doctors can accurately diagnose and monitor gut disorders and diseases.

Learning about the Leader-Follower relationship in teams of 4
Come and play a firefighting game as a team to help us investigate the dynamics of the leader-follower relationship for implementation in training in the US Army!

Digging Deep for WA’s Underground Inhabitants
MicroBlitz is a crowdsourced, citizen science project that seeks to identify the communities of soil microbes that inhabit Western Australia’s (WA) soils.

Sleep well for mood
Help the field of clinical psychology better understand the relationship between mood and sleep. Learn key techniques which can help you sleep better and prevent insomnia relapse.

Enhancing Treatment for Adolescent Depression
We are looking to improve treatment for depression in young people by targeting sleep. If you are between 13 and 18 and are experiencing symptoms of depression, you may be eligible to participate in this study.

Emotion regulation, relaxation, & calming interventions study
Research volunteers needed! Help clinical psychology researchers from the Perth Emotion & Psychopathology Lab better understand emotion regulation, stress, and stress reduction.

Natural Density Survey
We would like to understand what type of natural experience we should provide in parks in areas that are becoming increasingly built up and whether upgrading parks to provide particular natural landscapes lessens community resistance to urban densification.

Acquiring Financial Literacy
What role do parents play in how young adults acquire financial knowledge, financial skills, and financial attitudes – their financial literacy? Do parents and young adults see this role the same?

CMVictory Study
We are looking for healthy women to take part in an important study aiming to help protect babies from life-threatening birth defects caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Pertaprime (Whooping Cough) Study in Young Adults
We’re looking for 18-25 year old’s to be part of a research project aiming to find out if a new Whooping Cough vaccine (Pertagen®) can provide longer lasting protection and a superior immunity.

Plan My Australia Community Survey
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australia’s population will increase from 25 to 53 million by 2101. Where should these people reside? Complete the ‘Plan My Australia’ survey and have a stake in Australia’s future.

Investigating thinking and memory in older adults
Are you 50+? If so, we need your help! We are investigating how thinking and memory skills change over time (if at all), and also how hearing, vision and health problems might affect these skills.

Evaluating Car Driver Attitudes towards Cyclists in WA
This study investigates some of the factors that may play a role in car drivers’ and cyclists’ interactions on the road. The insights generated by this research will help make roads safer and more enjoyable for cyclists and car drivers alike.

Self-Compassion and Parenting
Being a parenting is rewarding… but also challenging! We need parents of 3-12 year olds to complete an online survey about their self-compassion, parenting, and wellbeing.

Are your breasts dense?
Increased breast density is a strong risk factor for breast cancer. Women between the ages of 18 and 40 are invited to have their breast density measured. It is completely safe, painless and takes 20 minutes from start to finish.

The Volunteering Study
Are you a volunteer? We need your help to discover people’s intention to keep volunteering and to attract more volunteers, increasing time and resources to dedicate to community support.

Please tell us about your IBS
Do you have irritable bowel syndrome? We would like to hear about your experiences. Please complete our online survey on IBS in Australia to help improve understanding of the disorder.

RSV Vaccine in Pregnancy
We are seeking healthy pregnant women with an expected delivery date from 03 April to 30 June 2018, to participate in a study that aims to provide protection to newborn babies against Respiratory syncytial virus infections (RSV)

The Mummy Buddy Program: A trial study to improve maternal mental health
Are you a first time expectant mum? We need your help to test a program aimed at helping first time mothers manage better in the postpartum period.

The Noisy Guts Project – non-invasive diagnosis of gut disorders
The Noisy Guts Project is the brainchild of Nobel Laureate, Prof Barry Marshall. The team are developing an acoustic belt that records gut noises so doctors can accurately screen, diagnose and monitor gut disorders and diseases.

Identifying teamwork behaviours through computer simulation
Get paid $30 to play a computer game and contribute to research on teamwork and leadership! Practice and develop your teamwork skills whilst having fun. No gaming experience required. 18 yrs +

Wellbeing and mental health in fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers and their family members
Calling all FIFOs! Help our research to inform workers, companies and governments on the mental health and wellbeing issues of FIFO work and how best to tackle them.

Evaluating drivers’ attitudes towards cyclists in WA
This study investigates some of the factors that may play a role in car drivers’ and cyclists’ interactions on the road. The insights generated by this research will help make roads safer and more enjoyable for cyclists and car drivers alike.

How does our Sense of Self Develop?
This research attempts to understand the nature of narcissism in adults and children, and to identify factors that contribute to its development.

RecFishing Visions – Understanding Recreational Fishing Communities
Been fishing for fun lately? Fishers of all levels and abilities are encouraged to take part in a 15 minute survey to help us understand how you would like to see your local waters managed.

Mobile Messaging and Physical Activity in an Organised Public Challenge
Activity Challenges are an effective means to get people started with assessing the state of their health and through active social engagement with others and their environment, set about improving the quality of their lives.

The Western Australian Eye Protection Study
Our research aims to investigate the levels of sun exposure that can reduce the risk of becoming short sighted, while also preventing skin cancer.

Kings Park Honour Avenues App
This project will develop a smart device application to reveal the soldiers’ stories: placing individuals in the context of military campaigns, regiments, and historical events.