The Australian Park Life Survey

Project Plan

Australia’s parks need to adapt and evolve to keep our citizens and cities healthy.

Help ensure Australia’s future park and greenspace development is informed by community experiences and preferences.

This research study is about which parks you visit, why you visit them and the benefits you get from using parks.

Your Support

As part of the project we have developed and launched the national “Park Life” community survey to capture community use and values of parks, as well physical, social and mental health outcomes across all Australian capital cities and major regional centres in Western Australia.

Results from the survey will be combined with a unique nationally standardised spatial layer of parks and public open green-spaces of Australian cities and results will inform the provision and design of future parks and public open spaces.

Your privacy

The survey will only take 10 minutes and is entirely voluntary. All answers you give will be anonymous, confidential, and will only be reported or published as a group. You can withdraw at any time after starting – simply exit the survey. Any answers given will not be saved. If you wish to withdraw after completion of the survey, this may not be possible as the data is anonymous. Results of this research project will be posted on our project website.

Prize Draw

Everyone who completes the survey has the opportunity to enter two prize draws:

  • Surveys completed 11:59 pm (AWST) Monday 06 March 2023 go into the Early Bird Prize Draw to
    win one of 20 $100 Westfield, Coles/Myer or Bunnings vouchers
  • Surveys completed 11:59 pm (AWST) Friday 31 March 2023 go into the Main Prize Draw to
    win one of four $500 Westfield, Coles/Myer or Bunnings vouchers

Project Members

Dr Paula Hooper
Dr Nicole Edwards

Who are we?

The Australian Park Life Project is a collaboration between the Australian Urban Design Research Centre (AUDRC) at The University of Western Australia, and the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN).

Approval to conduct this research has been provided by the University of Western Australia Human Ethics Committee, in accordance with its ethics review and approval procedures.

If you’ve got any questions or want more information on this project, please send us an email at or contact the project lead – Dr Paula Hooper at