Emotion regulation, relaxation, & calming interventions study

Project Plan


How effective are stress reduction techniques?

Stress can cause individuals to feel negative emotions, so it is desirable to identify relaxation interventions that can help to reduce the negative emotions.

The Perth Emotion & Psychopathology Lab are investigating emotion regulation and the effectiveness of different techniques to help reduce stress (e.g., mindfulness, relaxation, calming products, etc.).


We want to better understand:

  1. How emotions and stress are related
  2. How effective different techniques like mindfulness and sandalwood oil are at reducing stress.


Participants aged 18-45 years with no known allergies to cosmetic or fragrance products.

Your Support

Study participants will:

  1. Complete some online questionnaires (~30 mins)
  2. Come into the lab (~1hr) to measure physiological, neurological, and subjective responses to stress.

Benefits to you:

  • You will receive a $20 gift card for your time.
  • You will also be helping clinical psychology researchers better understand emotion regulation, stress, and stress reduction.

Project Members

A/Prof Rodrigo Becerra
Director (UWA)
Dr David Preece
Director (Curtin)
Anna Hanran-Smith
Research Assistant & PhD Candidate
Tharen Kander
Research Assistant & PhD Candidate

Who are we?

For information about the lab: https://emotionpsychopathologylab.com

This project has ethics approval from the University of Western Australia Human Ethics Committee.

Voluntary participation and Withdrawal from this Study:

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw from the experiment at any time without consequences or prejudice. In the event of withdrawal, all information relating to your participation in the project will be destroyed unless otherwise agreed.


All data relating to this investigation will be kept in a de-identified format, and will not be shared without your permission, unless required by law. Data will be stored in a password protected computer in a locked office at UWA for a minimum of seven years.