Natural Density Survey

Project Plan

The importance of contact with nature in urban areas is well-documented, with significant health benefits identified, including mental health improvements and physical health gains.

Despite its known benefits, urban sprawl and densification are making contact with nature more difficult.

Projections indicate that Perth’s population could increase to 3.5 million by 2050, necessitating the development of 800,000 new homes, with a significant portion planned for infill development.

We would like to understand what type of natural experience we should provide in parks in areas that are
becoming increasingly built up.

Furthermore, we would like to know whether upgrading parks to provide particular natural landscapes lessens community resistance to urban densification.

Your Support

Please evaluate several visualised options for upgrading a park in a densifying neighbourhood via our survey.

Project Members

Dr Julian Bolleter
Dr Nicole Edwards
Research Fellow

Who are we?

The survey is being conducted by Dr Julian Bolleter and Dr Nicole Edwards at the Australian Urban Design Research Centre (AUDRC) at the University of Western Australia.

AUDRC researches urban planning and design issues affecting the shape, sustainability and liveability of our cities and is supported by the Western Australian Planning Commission, the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage, Development WA, and the Department of Communities.

If you have any queries about the survey, please email